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2026 one-one-one Collection Guide

Interior Design

with abigail anderson 

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Use this space to paint the picture of your ideal client’s reality. Are they stressed? Why? Are they overwhelmed? Why? Are they frustrated with doing #allthethings but not seeing any traction?

Remind them of their hopes & dreams. 

Mrs. Bennet was in fact too much overpowered to say a great deal while Sir William remained; but no sooner had he left them than her feelings found a rapid vent. In the first place, she persisted in disbelieving the whole of the matter; secondly, she was very sure that Mr. Collins had been taken in; thirdly, she trusted that they would never be happy together; and fourthly, that the match might be broken off.

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Briefly describe the service you offer. Focus on benefits (space you love) over features (2 rooms designed.) Fusce augue orci, iaculis quis blandit feugiat, ullamcorper vel est.

Suspendisse quam tortor, bibendum egestas convallis in, elementum eu justo. Pellentesque vel tristique ipsum, id iaculis purus. Fusce mollis.

Your Offering Here

Briefly describe the service you offer. Focus on benefits (space you love) over features (2 rooms designed.) Fusce augue orci, iaculis quis blandit feugiat, ullamcorper vel est.

Suspendisse quam tortor, bibendum egestas convallis in, elementum eu justo. Pellentesque vel tristique ipsum, id iaculis purus. Fusce mollis.

Your Offering Here

Briefly describe the service you offer. Focus on benefits (space you love) over features (2 rooms designed.) Fusce augue orci, iaculis quis blandit feugiat, ullamcorper vel est.

Suspendisse quam tortor, bibendum egestas convallis in, elementum eu justo. Pellentesque vel tristique ipsum, id iaculis purus. Fusce mollis.

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The Experience

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Use this space to outline the first step of your process. Does it begin with a detailed questionnaire? Or an in-person consultation? Prospective buyers want to know how this process works and what expectations are. 

Had they been only ten minutes sooner, they should have been beyond the reach of his discrimination; for it was plain that he was that moment arrived--that moment alighted from his horse or his carriage. She blushed again and again over the perverseness of the meeting. 



the process / 

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Use this space to outline the next step of your process. Prospective buyers want to know how this process works and what expectations are. 

Nor did he seem much more at ease; when he spoke, his accent had none of its usual sedateness; and he repeated his inquiries as to the time of her having left Longbourn, and of her having stayed in Derbyshire, so often, and in so hurried a way, as plainly spoke the distraction of his thoughts. At length every idea seemed to fail him; and, after standing a few moments without saying a word.


the project

the process / 

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Use this space to outline the next step of your process. Prospective buyers want to know how this process works and what expectations are. 

And his behaviour, so strikingly altered--what could it mean? That he should even speak to her was amazing!--but to speak with such civility, to inquire after her family! Never in her life had she seen his manners so little dignified, never had he spoken with such gentleness as on this unexpected meeting. What a contrast did it offer to his last address in Rosings Park, when he put his letter into her hand!


the process / 


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Use this space to outline the next step of your process. Prospective buyers want to know how this process works and what expectations are. 

When all of the house that was open to general inspection had been seen, they returned downstairs, and, taking leave of the housekeeper, were consigned over to the gardener, who met them at the hall-door.

As they walked across the hall towards the river, Elizabeth turned back to look again; her uncle and aunt stopped also.



the process / 

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Use this space to outline the next step of your process. Prospective buyers want to know how this process works and what expectations are. 

There was certainly at this moment, in Elizabeth’s mind, a more gentle sensation towards the original than she had ever felt at the height of their acquaintance. The commendation bestowed on him by Mrs. Reynolds was of no trifling nature. What praise is more valuable than the praise of an intelligent servant? As a brother, a landlord, a master, she considered how many people’s happiness were in his guardianship!



the process / 

Even Elizabeth began to fear--not that Bingley was indifferent--but that his sisters would be successful in keeping him away. Unwilling as she was to admit an idea so destructive of Jane’s happiness, and so dishonorable to the stability of her lover, she could not prevent its frequently occurring. The united efforts of his two unfeeling sisters and of his overpowering friend, assisted by the attractions of Miss Darcy and the amusements of London might be too much, she feared, for the strength of his attachment.

As for Jane, her anxiety under this suspense was, of course, more painful than Elizabeth’s.

Use this space to do a deep dive into one of the services that you offer and its benefits. 

Full Scale Interior Design




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residential design includes: 

Even Elizabeth began to fear--not that Bingley was indifferent--but that his sisters would be successful in keeping him away. Unwilling as she was to admit an idea so destructive of Jane’s happiness, and so dishonorable to the stability of her lover, she could not prevent its frequently occurring.

The united efforts of his two unfeeling sisters and of his overpowering friend, assisted by the attractions of Miss Darcy and the amusements of London might be too much, she feared, for the strength of his attachment.

  • Add your awesome feature here 
  • This is a space to highlight something else that your service includes 
  • Do you add a lot of amazing bonuses? List those those. 
  • This option includes even more fabulous features 
  • Calling this the "kitchen sink" option because it's filled with amazing services 


Option Three

  • Add your awesome feature here 
  • This is a space to highlight something else that your service includes 
  • Do you add a lot of amazing bonuses? List those those. 
  • This option includes even more fabulous features 


Option Two

  • Add your awesome feature here 
  • This is a space to highlight something else that your service includes 
  • Do you add a lot of amazing bonuses? List those those. 


Option One

Project Name Here

a few of our 




- client name here

A game-changer in the industry, their service stands out for all the right reasons.

REVIEW NO. 1 of 2

- client name here

Impressed by their attention to detail and personalized approach to service.

REVIEW NO. 1 of 2

Even Elizabeth began to fear--not that Bingley was indifferent--but that his sisters would be successful in keeping him away. Unwilling as she was to admit an idea so destructive of Jane’s happiness, and so dishonorable to the stability of her lover, she could not prevent its frequently occurring. The united efforts of his two unfeeling sisters and of his overpowering friend, assisted by the attractions of Miss Darcy and the amusements of London might be too much, she feared, for the strength of his attachment.

As for Jane, her anxiety under this suspense was, of course, more painful than Elizabeth’s, but whatever she felt she was desirous of concealing, and between herself and Elizabeth, therefore, the subject was never alluded to. 


Residential Design




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Even Elizabeth began to fear--not that Bingley was indifferent--but that his sisters would be successful in keeping him away. Unwilling as she was to admit an idea so destructive of Jane’s happiness, and so dishonorable to the stability of her lover, she could not prevent its frequently occurring.

The united efforts of his two unfeeling sisters and of his overpowering friend, assisted by the attractions of Miss Darcy and the amusements of London might be too much, she feared, for the strength of his attachment.

residential design includes: 

  • Add your awesome feature here 
  • This is a space to highlight something else that your service includes 
  • Do you add a lot of amazing bonuses? List those those. 
  • This option includes even more fabulous features 
  • Calling this the "kitchen sink" option because it's filled with amazing services 


Option Three

  • Add your awesome feature here 
  • This is a space to highlight something else that your service includes 
  • Do you add a lot of amazing bonuses? List those those. 
  • This option includes even more fabulous features 


Option Two

  • Add your awesome feature here 
  • This is a space to highlight something else that your service includes 
  • Do you add a lot of amazing bonuses? List those those. 


Option One

a few of our 


Client Name Here




Second Offering Variation


Add your Offering Variation 

Even Elizabeth began to fear--not that Bingley was indifferent--but that his sisters would be successful in keeping him away. Unwilling as she was to admit an idea so destructive of Jane’s happiness, and so dishonorable to the stability of her lover, she could not prevent its frequently occurring. The united efforts of his two unfeeling sisters and of his overpowering friend, assisted by the attractions of Miss Darcy and the amusements of London might be too much, she feared, for the strength of his attachment.

As for Jane, her anxiety under this suspense was, of course, more painful than Elizabeth’s, but whatever she felt she was desirous of concealing, and between herself and Elizabeth, therefore, the subject was never alluded to. 


Virtual Design

- client name here

A game-changer in the industry, their service stands out for all the right reasons.

REVIEW NO. 1 of 2

- client name here

Impressed by their attention to detail and personalized approach to service.

REVIEW NO. 1 of 2

Mood board design
Full Scale mockups 
Another feature here 
Outline the features 

Mrs. Bennet was really in a most pitiable state. The very mention of anything concerning the match threw her into an agony of ill-humour, and wherever she went she was sure of hearing it talked of. The sight of Miss Lucas was odious to her.

As her successor in that house, she regarded her with jealous abhorrence. Whenever Charlotte came to see them, she concluded her to be anticipating the hour of possession; and whenever she spoke in a low voice to Mr. Collins, was convinced that they were talking of the Longbourn estate, and resolving to turn herself and her daughters out of the house, as soon as Mr. Bennet were dead. She complained bitterly of all this to her husband.

Service Title 

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The others then joined her, and expressed admiration of his figure; but Elizabeth heard not a word, and wholly engrossed by her own feelings, followed them in silence. She was overpowered by shame and vexation.

Her coming there was the most unfortunate, the most ill-judged thing in the world! How strange it must appear to him! 

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In what a disgraceful light might it not strike so vain a man! It might seem as if she had purposely thrown herself in his way again! Oh! why did she come? Or, why did he thus come a day before he was expected?

Had they been only ten minutes sooner, they should have been beyond the reach of his discrimination; for it was plain that he was that moment arrived--that moment alighted from his horse or his carriage. She blushed again and again over the perverseness of the meeting. And his behaviour, so strikingly altered--what could it mean?

Another question can be added here? 

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This is where you add a question people often ask?

The others then joined her, and expressed admiration of his figure; but Elizabeth heard not a word, and wholly engrossed by her own feelings, followed them in silence. She was overpowered by shame and vexation.

Her coming there was the most unfortunate, the most ill-judged thing in the world! How strange it must appear to him! 

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That he should even speak to her was amazing!--but to speak with such civility, to inquire after her family! Never in her life had she seen his manners so little dignified, never had he spoken with such gentleness as on this unexpected meeting.

What a contrast did it offer to his last address in Rosings Park, when he put his letter into her hand! She knew not what to think, or how to account for it.

How do your payment plans work?

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This space can be duplicated as many times as you need? 

The others then joined her, and expressed admiration of his figure; but Elizabeth heard not a word, and wholly engrossed by her own feelings, followed them in silence. She was overpowered by shame and vexation.

Her coming there was the most unfortunate, the most ill-judged thing in the world! How strange it must appear to him! 

frequently asked q's / 

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